Nov 19, 2010

Kiew near Goethe Institute

Kiew churches

Kiew Goethe Institute

Kiew Goethe Institute

Kiew Goethe Institute

Kiew Goethe Institute

Kiew Ambulance car

Kiew near weaponary shop

Kiew near weaponary shop

Kiew near weaponary shop

when i was in Kiev. I took the test in Goethe Institute German language and i passed the test.

Odessa, South market church

Odessa, Kanatnaya str.

Odessa, Kanatnaya str.

Odessa, Kanatnaya str.

Odessa, Kanatnaya str.

Nov 7, 2010

Odessa up in the sky

Odessa Viliamsa str. more benches

Odessa Viliamsa str. the Fall is here

Odessa Viliamsa str. mini shop

Odessa Viliamsa str. cool Audi

Odessa Viliamsa str. some refreshments

Odessa just a bench on Viliamsa str.

Odessa Pharmacy

Odessa milk shop

Odessa Viliamsa str.

Odessa playgraund

Odessa some pipes

Odessa Tairovo school 84

Odessa Tairovo near school 84

Odessa Tairovo school 84

My school. I use to study there :))

Odessa Tairovo kindergarden

Odessa Tairovo kindergarden

Odessa Tairovo kindergarden